Thursday, March 06, 2008

Flowers Flowers Everywhere!

When I design potentially complicated and colorful pieces of knitwear, I draw sketches.

I'll usually start with a rough pencil drawing and then color it in with an array of pens in my collection. These were the first colors that popped into my head for the Wildflowers.

I was lucky on this project, and kept all the colors that I originally drew. This was going to be fun, there are 18 colors of wool! As you can see by my drawings, I intended to design a handbag.

I made a color graph and knit the project. I outlined the basic Intarsia knitting with a simple embroidery backstitch so that when the piece was felted, it would look like very complicated knitting had taken place. NOT!!

Of course, before that, I carefully swatched the yarn and felted it, noting all the shrinkage. I was pretty sure that the finished size would be: A very large, satchel.

But.......the felted piece
did not shrink as anticipated. It was really far too big to be a handbag, maybe large luggage! But that wasn't going to be very practical.

What to do? Well, it didn't take long for me to decide that it would make a wonderful giant cushion, suitable for floor or couch.

I love the bright flowers and they seemed well suited to all sorts of different decor.

Classic to contemporary

The Wildflower Cushion pattern is available at:


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