Let's Shibori!

Maybe I'm just a scavenger!
My family knows that they must save all plastic bottle caps. But why you ask? Well.........
Shibori of course! In the knitting, felting world, Shibori means manipulating the felted fabric by inserting objects during the felting process so that permanent impressions result.
I like plastic because it doesn't hurt my felt. But a word to the wise, always put your Shibori projects into a delicates bag before they go into the washer. No matt

Be patient, wait to remove the objects until your felt is completely dry.
Mothers of young children, I hear that Legos work well. I wouldn't use heavy objects like rocks, or metal objects that might rust (or ruin your washer).
Experiment by felting pieces of old wool sweaters to see what the impressions will look like. Then, choose a great felting yarn and make Shibori stuff! It is really fun.

Tomorrow let's talk about the joys of night owl knitting!
Now, Go Knit!